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Glas - olika dricksglas XXXLutz
LC3 interacting regions (LIRs), of which 3 are Y-type. (YxxL), 1 is a W-type (WxxL ), and 1 is F-type (FxxI) LIR. We next overexpressed myc-cathepsin A, and GFP-
Nov 26, 2015 that both Bnip3 and Nix contain identical N-terminal LIRs (WxxL) [52, Bouman L, Schlierf A, Lutz AK, Shan J, Deinlein A, Kast J, Galehdar Z
Jul 19, 2017 Among other domains, p62 has a LC3-interacting motif (WXXL/I) called the Lutz, H. U. & Bogdanova, A. Mechanisms tagging senescent red
WXXL domain that interacts with ATG8; it can also bind ATG11. If yeast switch Lutz, A.K., Exner, N., Fett, M.E., Schlehe, J.S., Kloos, K., Lammermann,. J-G%8:CIVH MW&FW:VLC20-)"VUF1F`;:
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